Au-Pair life
how to Au-Pair
How to AuPair – Organize an AuPair stay by yourself without agency
In this article, I will show you how you can have a great time as an au pair without an agency and even for a short time! How to start Before becoming an au pair for the first time, I informed myself years before about the different possibilities of traveling alone. However, until then, I thought that as an au pair, you had to stay with your host family for at least half a year. Then, at an information event at my university, I learned that working as an Au Pair for a short period is possible. For example, during the semester break. So, no sooner said than done, I…
How To Pack – Your ultimate Au Pair packing list for 3-6 months
In this post we will pack your bags for a stay with your host family for approximately 3-6 months. Have you found a great host family and can’t wait to get started? Or do you want to go on a longer trip of several months and are just about to pack your bags, but don’t know exactly what to pack? Then you’ve definitely come to the right page! Why 3-6 months? When you travel for a long time, no matter how long you stay, you will always end up packing about the same things, because your suitcase is limited anyway. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if you’re traveling for only 3…